Chiara Capello

Yoga teacher and Visual Artist in Brussels

juillet 3, 2019
de Chiara Capello
Commentaires fermés sur My interview on Meditation

My interview on Meditation

Hello dear Yogis, I am happy to share here a video with my interview on meditation. I explain a bit how I meditate and I share some tips. Meditation has been part of my life since years and I could not live without this moment of peace, where my mind can rest for a few minutes. If you have comments on it, I will be very pleased to receive your feedback on this argument.

Moreover, I developed a course on how to meditate and you will find it here :

Ok, now is time to view the video:

I hope you enjoyed the content and let me know what you think! Have a great start of the summer:)

mai 31, 2019
de Chiara Capello
12 commentaires

Start meditating today and change your life!

Hello dear yogis,

Just a bit of infos and news from me. I would like to stress the importance of a regular meditation practice to live a more serene life and to take good decisions, when we are challenged and we do not know what is the best choice for us.

My advice: start meditating today! Make it an habit. The same with your yoga practice: set it as a PRIORITY in your calendar, otherwise something will get in the way and you will end up going once per month, which is certainly not enough to make progress. Remember, it is better to practice yoga and, or meditation 30 minutes every day, instead of 2 hours once per month.

To take my meditation course, on the Tapas for life platform, watch the intro video and go to:

There is also an italian version here (la versione italiana del mio corso di meditazione si trova qui):

I would like also to give you my checklist to start meditating. To be fully effective in your daily meditation, follow it step by step:

  1. Commit to the meditation practice and fit it into your daily schedule. Decide if you want to do it in the morning after waking up or in the evening before going to bed.
  2. Find a quiet, peaceful spot in your house, where to sit, without being disturbed. No electronics around (no computers, phones etc). Always sit there, to create a habit. It will be your “sacred spot”, just waiting for you each day.
  3. Switch off all your devices (telephone and other disturbing sounds).
  4. Use a timer. Set 10 to 15 minutes to start.
  5. Sit up either on a chair, with your back straight and hands on your lap, or cross-legged on the floor (better on a yoga mat or a carpet). In this position, you can sit on a cushion to have your hips elevated compared to the knees, so your back is straight. Remember: you should be comfortable, as you will stay around 15 minutes immobile, without pain in the body (otherwise you will be distracted and it will be impossible to meditate).
  6. Warning: never meditate lying on the bed or on the floor, as it will be easy to drift into sleep.
  7. Close your eyes, focus and breath.

Happy practice!

février 21, 2019
de Chiara Capello
Commentaires fermés sur About Sampoorna Yoga lineage

About Sampoorna Yoga lineage

Om dear yogis,

today, I would like to share with you an interesting video that shows the life of Master Sivananda, the Guru at the very origin of Sampoorna Yoga.

Actually, Sampoorna Yoga has been developed by Shri Yogi Hari (my teacher), combining the yoga systems he learnt from his two Gurus, that descend from Master Sivananda:  Swami Vishnudevananda (mainly teaching him Hatha Yoga, the physical part and Raja yoga, meditation) and  Swami Nadabrahmananda (a Nada yogi, teaching mainly the art of sound, music and mantras).

This way, Sampoorna Yoga is very complete as it touches all the aspects of the human being. If you are already practicing it with me regularly, I am sure you noticed tremendous effects on your body and mind.

As you may know, Sampoorna Yoga incorporates Hatha (physical practice of postures called asanas), Karma (unselfish actions), Raja (meditation), Bhakti (practice of devotion), Jnana (study of ancient scriptures on Yoga) and Nada Yoga (mantra chanting and sound vibrations). They instill health and harmony in body, mind and soul.

The basic message is that health, peace and joy are already within you and Yoga can help you to uncover them. Remember that Yoga is a spiritual practice not only physical as a gym.

I hope that you will find inspiration from this video that gives deep insights on the life of a great Yogi! I was very moved by it. Let me know what you think about it.

décembre 20, 2018
de Chiara Capello
Commentaires fermés sur Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I take this opportunity to wish you all Great Holidays full of Shanti (peace)! Take this time to rest, enjoy family and friends, remember to reconnect with yourself, and why not, to practice a bit of yoga and meditation.

Build new positive habits that will replace old  (maybe less positive) ones.

I leave you with this video that we shoot in January 2018 in the streets of Brussels. It warms my heart when I see it and I live again this amazing experience. I think that it is in line with the Christmas spirit, to spread the kindness!

We (my friends Cristina, Dominica and I) gave “free hugs” in the street, randomly.

It wasn’t easy for me, as I am a little shy by nature. The people around were surprised, sometimes it was hard for them to understand what was going on. It was also difficult to believe that we did something for free 😉

Once they understood, many were open and literally runned into our open arms. I loved this experience and I advice to do it yourself too, with a friend. You will feel a warm connection with total strangers, making the world a little kinder.

Enjoy the video! I am sure that it will touch you as much as it touched me. Merry Christmas!

décembre 13, 2018
de Chiara Capello
Commentaires fermés sur Next Sampoorna yoga retreat

Next Sampoorna yoga retreat

Om dear yogis,

I would like to let you know that the next Sampoorna Yoga weekend will be in Chateau Frandeux (Ardennes) from 29 to 31 March 2019. The Early Bird price is valid until 31 December.

At the retreat, you can enjoy an immersion into the fullness of Sampoorna yoga, meditation, chanting, yoga lectures and healthy food.

We will practice:

Hatha Yoga – cleansing of body and energy system:

Twice-a-day hatha yoga practice with breathing exercises, yoga postures and deep relaxation. Suitable for all levels – beginners will receive special attention and advanced students will get the challenges they need to develop further. Special focus of the Hatha Yoga sessions will be cleansing.

Meditation – cleansing of the mental system: 

Guided and silent meditation. We will use the precious hours of the early morning to move towards the state of highest concentration and creativity by turning the mind inwards.

Mantra Chanting – cleansing of emotional and energy system:

Repetitive singing of mantras, vibrational manifestations of aspects of the Divine – a very effective and beautiful method to concentrate the mind and to purify the heart. You don’t need to be a good singer to experience the power of chanting!

Nada Yoga (Yoga of sound) – cleansing of the energy system:

Rhythm and melody is common to everything in nature, and we will explore sound vibrations by both listening to and producing sound. You will experience the healthful effects of sound on all levels – physical, mental and spiritual.

Jnana Yoga (Yoga philosophy) – cleansing of the intellectual system:

“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of theory”, but we must practice with proper understanding and purpose. During the lectures and discussions we will explore the yogic scriptures and concepts.

Enjoy personal treatments, sauna or take a forest bath

In your free time, we offer personal treatments like Reiki (I will be doing it!), Shiatsu, sound bath, oil massage and . On Saturday afternoon you can enjoy the grand sauna and cool down in the adjacent lake or have a great walk in the surrounding forest and meadows



18:00 Arrival and check-in
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Introduction and satsang (mantra chanting and meditation)


05:30 Wake up (optional Pranayama)
06:00 Meditation, chanting, lecture
08:00 Hatha yoga: pranayama, asana, relaxation
10:00 Brunch
11:00 Karma yoga and free time
13.30 Afternoon snack
14:00 Lecture, nada yoga
16:00 Hatha yoga: pranayama, asana, relaxation
18:00 Dinner
19:30 Meditation, chanting, lecture


05:30 Wake up (optional pranayama)
06:00 Meditation, chanting, lecture
08:00 Hatha yoga: pranayama, asana, relaxation
10:00 Brunch
11:00 Karma yoga
12:00 Chanting, closure
14:30 Lunch
16:00 Departure


Healthy vegetarian meals, served buffet-style.
The yogic vegetarian food includes simple and deliciously prepared fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, tofu and some dairy.

Every meal is prepared  with care and with fresh and organic vegetables by Hanna and Gauri (together with karma yogis!).


Château Frandeux  (

The domain Frandeux is situated on the outskirts of the Belgian Ardennes, in the region “Les Famennes” and belongs to the province of Namur. The area is also called “the Valley Country”, a land with castles and a rich and varied heritage. The village of Frandeux is formed by some 40 houses and is situated in the valley of the Vachau, about 6 km from Rochefort.

There are single, double and triple rooms with and without shower, so prices are according type of accommodation. Kids are welcome to join, they can sleep on extra comfortable strechers in the parents sleepingroom.

To register go to:

Here some pictures I took during a past retreat at Frandeux in March last year:

Chiara Capello